Mandap Hire Nottingham

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Mandap Hire Nottingham

We also stock a range of speciality furniture for Asian weddings Nottingham, these being throne hire Nottingham and mandap hire Nottingham.  Firstly, our ceremonial mandaps for hire are those large pieces of furniture hire which sit on the stage at the front of an Asian wedding under which the bride and groom's marriage ceremony takes place.  Our hand carved wooden mandaps for hire in Nottingham are hugely impressive pieces and really do make a stunning visual impact at your Asian wedding.  At the same time, our thrones for hire sit underneath the mandap and provide seating for the bride and groom.  Our throne chair hire Nottingham pieces are available in gold and other colours and again are really impressive, and in reality something you really don't want to do without at your Asian wedding.  Speciality wedding furniture hire such as this is sometimes difficult to find, but you can rest assured that Nottingham mandap hire and Nottingham throne chair hire is well serviced by our team.

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