Cocktail Glass HireLondon

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Cocktail Glass Hire London

If you’re an event professional organising a corporate event or occasion or maybe a wedding planner wanting to provide cocktails upon arrival, then our range of cocktail glasses for hire in London may well fit the bill.  We offer everything from the classically shaped Martini glass hire and Z stem Martini glasses through to modern jar cocktail glasses which are a-la-mode at the moment.  We offer the large quantities required to be able to deal with multiple events at the same time.  We even offer vintage style champagne saucer hire London which is ideal for if you are organising a roaring 1920s Great Gatsby themed event, for example.  And rest assured, of course, that your London cocktail glass rental products will arrive with you in pristine condition and table ready for your event having been machine washed and thoroughly checked prior to leaving our London sales and distribution centre.

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